Meet: Baby ISAAC
Before I started working with Ruth, I felt trapped as the only way Isaac would sleep was on me and it was the only way I knew how to get him to sleep
Family members: Mom (Hannah) and Dad (Daniel)
When we started working together: 13 weeks (NEWBORN)
Background story: Since the day Isaac was born, Hannah had been holding Isaac to sleep for all his naps, unable to put him down in the bassinet. Overnight, he was waking up multiple times (sometimes every hour!), and naturally, Mum was feeling exhausted, sleep-deprived, and on the verge of breaking down.
Initial Sleep Issue:
Hannah’s goal:
Success story & outcome:
Her method is holistic and teaches you to be in tune with your baby's needs. Her passion for helping babies and families sleep can be seen and she is always there to celebrate the wins with you but is also there to help when things don't go to plan. Her guidance and knowledge are invaluable and for that alone we are forever grateful!
Pre-baby I always wondered why would people need sleep consultants. Isn't sleep meant to be straightforward?
Wish I could eat my words now! Isaac was a pretty chilled little dude, in the beginning, we could have him anywhere in the house, take him out and he would just sleep. However little did we know what was in store when he started 'waking up' from his newborn slumber, it was a whole different story!
As I chose not to read any baby books while pregnant; boy was I in for a surprise! I used to envy the other mothers where their baby would just fall asleep on their own lying on the mat, pram, or in their arms. Isaac hated the pram so I couldn’t ‘walk’ him to sleep, and I was too scared and sleep-deprived to drive him to sleep. The only thing that would calm him was being in my arms after being fed to sleep.
It didn’t help that I was told that it was my fault for spoiling my baby by holding him too much, or that this was normal and was a phase that would pass.
So I soldiered on as I read/told that everything would be better by 12 weeks. Isaac turned 12 weeks and nothing changed and in fact, got worse. He was waking every 1-2 hrs overnight, slept even less during the day, and literally could not put him down. Our parents and friends would come over to give us a break and do the same, holding him to sleep.
I thought to myself this is definitely NOT normal. We were also told it was normal to have your baby in bed by 9/10 pm. With my hubby working long hours, I was basically stuck to my baby 24/7. I was beyond exhaustion...
Then one day through conversation, a friend recommended a sleep consultant that she had great success with for her own little one. Before making the decision to contact Ruth I was already fighting a battle in my head.
Am I doing that bad of a job as a mum for getting a sleep consultant? What would our parents think? They didn’t have this help and they were fine, would it be a guaranteed solution or will my money go to waste?
However, I was at breaking point and decided to give myself the GIFT OF SLEEP.
We now have such a different baby, he is much happier, alert, and rested. I never thought I would see the day when Isaac could fall asleep on his own and I actually getting things done while he sleeps!
I am most looking forward to the future because I now feel so much more confident learning the skills in managing and navigating through different life situations and Isaac’s sleep. If I am ever unsure I know I can always reply to Ruth’s advice! Now I can't stop telling people how awesome Ruth is when they comment on how ‘good’ Isaac is, I am not ashamed to say I had help from a sleep consultant!
If I could turn back time I would've had Ruth help me when pregnant, it would have saved me so many tears and sleepless nights. I would learn how to trust my instinct more but also set the foundations for good sleep from Day 1.
Don't be afraid to ask for help from a trusted professional and worry about what others think because, at the end of the day, it is you are a parent who needs to manage day in and day out. People will constantly tell you "It's normal" or "It will pass" if your instinct tells you otherwise listen to it. You know your baby the best.
Summary: What a turnaround! In just 6 days of working together, Isaac started to not only be able to be put down but also started taking long naps on his own! Best of all, Hannah is now able to take Isaac out for daily adventures without compromising his sleep needs!
Get Your Child to Sleep Through the Night Quickly and Easily Without Fuss, Tears, or Frustration
Sleeping On Purpose
By: Ruth Tai
50% Complete
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