How many nights have you lain wide awake, staring at the ceiling and listening to your baby break their heart in the next room?
Or hearing the baby monitor crackle into life the moment you sit down to eat dinner with your partner—the first time you’ve had a chance to relax all day.
And no matter how much sleep training you try, or generic routines you follow, or how many crazy gadgets you buy to fix the problem, nothing seems to work.
It’s no wonder–the advice the “sleep gurus” and Mom blogs are giving you is just plain wrong.
You’re trying to fix a problem that can’t be solved—at least the way they recommend and how you’ve tried it in the past.
But don’t worry. There is an answer to the problem. There is hope!

The Truth about Child Sleep
As a mum of 2 boys, and a child sleep consultant for over 5 years (who has helped hundreds of parents solve their child’s sleep problems), I can tell you one thing for sure:
You can have a child who sleeps well, and a routine that works well, just like a well-oiled machine, day in and day out.
And if this is not your current reality yet, don’t worry.
All you need is to learn how to understand your child’s sleep science.
Because once that first domino falls, you set up a chain reaction and can finally find relief from the crying and heartbreak of a child who just won’t sleep.
This program will fix that.
SIGN ME UP!What makes the ZZZs Lounge Program Different?
Sleep Science Mastery
You will learn to use proven sleep science to help your child get to sleep every night, without fail, by learning their natural rhythms and sleep cycles. You’ll go with the flow, rather than fight against it. Once you learn the simple yet intricate principles of sleep science, you can apply this to different scenarios and even different children! It’s like riding a bike, once you get it, no one can take that away from you

Customisation at its best
In this program, everyone’s needs are taken into consideration. Rather than change your life to fit in with your child’s routine, you’ll learn to build a new routine that just works. You’ll even learn how to adapt it when unexpected events crop up.
This is effective for any family dynamic, from expecting parents to first-time parents, single parents, step-parents, and even grandparents who are the primary caregivers.
Child readiness-led, not timeline-led
Putting children on our timelines, or worse, trying to dictate when they should and should not feel tired is pretty ineffective...
Progress happens when everyone has space to grow and learn, without the stress of a deadline to hit. The unique method I teach helps you to spot when your child is ready for sleep, so they drift off naturally and easily.

Microchanges that lead to massive results
This is a compound effect at its best! Life is busy as a parent, and the last thing you need is to put everything on hold just to complete a sleep program. That’s the opposite of what my course is about! I designed this program so that the small changes that feel insignificant, compound to incredible progress. Most importantly, these small changes are so easy for your child to adopt that you might not even notice them until…… suddenly, with little warning and seemingly overnight, you have a sleeping child!
Proven, real-life results
This is not one of those sleep programs that is generic and vague. None of this is just based on guessing or theory. Rather, this is the program that I developed that has helped hundreds of parents all around the world to get great sleep, day in and day out

My name is Ruth, and I am an
“Out of the Box”
Child Sleep Consultant
I’m also a wife and a mum to two beautiful, fun, energetic boys. I first became a mum back in 2016, and it was the most amazing time of our lives. At least at first. But that blissful bubble soon popped, and I found myself becoming an anxious and sleep-deprived parent in the early days of motherhood, wanting to tear my hair out.
My baby was not sleeping at all, and I was spiralling out of control with my thoughts and my emotions and feeling like I was failing my son and my husband. I went online in search of answers, but the reality is that the internet has an endless amount of conflicting information and very little quality control.
I was drowning in bad advice overload. I didn’t know what was right or wrong for me, or who to follow or who to ignore.
So, without knowing any better, I resorted to what the sleep experts said I had to do for my baby to learn how to sleep…
I TRIED IT ALL, but all it led to was me sobbing on the floor in a fetal position while my baby was in the other room screaming in his cot.. it was RIDICULOUS.
He did not sleep at all because he was so worked up from all those endless tears, and his behaviour became even more clingy during the day.
But there didn’t seem to be any other option, I thought perhaps this was just what parenting was all about.
But I didn’t want any of that!
I wanted my baby and me to just get some sleep, but not this way.
- I didn’t want to use a method that involved tears I didn’t want to be spending hours trying to get my child to sleep, only for him to wake up only a few minutes later
- I didn’t want to be in constant conflict with my husband about our baby I didn’t want to continue to be sleep-deprived, waking up multiple times a night, and spending all day trying to settle my baby for naps
- I didn’t want to waste my precious maternity leave barely functioning, walking around like a zombie, not knowing which day it was as they all merged into one.

I thought that being a new mum would be a beautiful time of bonding, but it was not all it promised to be
I searched high and low for help but had no luck finding a person who was the right fit, and someone who understood my parenting approach. And all the while, my baby kept crying and not sleeping, and I was at my wit’s end.
I dreaded the morning when my husband had to leave for work, leaving me alone with a baby who doesn’t nap, and then dreading bedtime, and how long it would take to finally have him fall asleep. I’d anxiously sleep, not really able to drift off, just waiting for my baby monitor to come to life when my little one woke up. AGAIN.
I was struggling to cope.
Things got so bad that I ended up with postnatal anxiety and depression.
I literally could not get out of bed and function as the wife and mother that I was supposed to be.
My husband had to take time off work, and family had to come from all over the state and even overseas to look after us for a couple of months.
In my pain and my lowest point in life, I almost gave up.

But I had a realisation. If no one could help me, I had to find the answers within myself! Deep down inside, I knew there was a better way, a way without the tears, and without the trauma…
I’ve always been interested in science—I’m a trained podiatrist, and my husband is a doctor so I was drawn to research so, I set out to learn the science of sleep.
I enrolled and completed my certification as a Maternity and Child Sleep Consultant (that took 18 months and a big financial investment), and it paid off… I started to see how all the advice I had been following was so wrong!
As I implemented what I had learned, slowly and surely, our lives changed.
My baby slept.
I slept.
And I am no longer the anxious hot mess mum.

"After working with Ruth, she has completely changed our household.
My daughter went for demand feeding. Constantly waking throughout the night. Fussing
during the day and with her eating. To a new child she is completely weened by herself lead not forced. She completely self-soothes to sleep with no tears. She sleeps through the night. Eating and behavior and mood has completely changed and everyone noticed it. ”
~ Amy

“My main goal with this program was to understand baby sleep science to be better equipped to cater for Sarah's sleep needs, and to be able to sleep better myself! Now hubby and I are more confident about Sarah's sleep and can successfully troubleshoot and tweak as
we go along.
Our baby is a happier baby because she is well rested and so are we as parents”
~ Jocelyn

"Zara was sleeping relatively well at night, but was waking up at 5am every morning! The information and content provided in this program were excellent. Ruth explained why
certain things/timings are planned that way or the science behind it.
There are no more 4-5am wakes ups!
Instead, Zara now sleeps in till 6.30-7am. On top of that, we managed a nap transition successfully, and Zara is now sleeping 2 long
naps during the day."
~ Yvonne

A program that focuses on what your child needs and not what some generic “sleep routine” tells you to do.
The ZZZs Lounge Program enables you and your baby to get a great night’s sleep, and you never need to worry about leaving them to cry it out.
Instead, your child will have a predictable, adaptable, and effective routine day in and day out, and you and your partner—and the rest of your family, can live in a calm, relaxed, and happy home.
That is what’s waiting for you inside.
SIGN ME UP!So What’s Included?
START: How to START your journey towards perfect sleep
You’ll learn how to assess and prepare your child’s room so that they have the perfect environment set up for sleep. No more endless research, no more second-guessing, and no more worry that you’ve missed something that keeps your child awake or disturbs them during the night. Simply tick your completed items on the the checklist that I have prepared for you and get ready for an amazing night’s sleep!

SCIENCE: Discover your child’s sleep science and how to put it to work.
Learn the science of your child’s sleep and discover how it is so very different from yours! You’ll align your child’s sleep to their (internal body clock, hormone cycles, sleep/wake cycles, as well as their unique sleep needs. You’ll know the perfect time to put them down for long and undisturbed sleep, and the secret to guarantee they’ll drop off within minutes—no crying, and no fighting. They’ll finally be sleeping like a baby. In fact, they’ll sleep so well, you might even have to wake them up…(I know, it’s almost an unforgivable sin!)
TWEAK: How to tweak your child’s routine and how to introduce daytime independence
Learning how to tweak your child's routine is almost as important as developing it! You’ll know exactly what your child’s sleep needs are and how to navigate the changes happening in the bodies as they align with their circadian rhythms. l You’ll also lay the foundations for self-settling and avoid unexpected hiccups and disruptions in your child's routine.

SOOTHE: Introducing self-settling
If your child cries when you are putting them down to sleep, you’ll not want to miss this! You’ll learn how to enable your child to self-settle in small steps without the tears... You’ll gradually reduce the soothing and settling you need to do until all that’s left is to say good night, and leave the room!
SLEEP FREEDOM: For now and the future
Routines are perfect until life gets in the way! Sleep Freedom allows you to navigate through the twists and turns life throws up that can disrupt your perfect routine without jeopardising your child’s progress. You will also learn how to buy back even more sleep and how to prepare your child for travel or staying in friend’s or family’s homes.


BONUS #1: Private Facebook group for support
Get support, encouragement, and get to know like-minded parents who are on the same journey as you. Let’s cheer each other on and celebrate the wins together! This community inside the program is a game changer, as you get to work through your sleep plan and questions and get the feedback you need so that you can keep making progress
BONUS #2: Monthly live group coaching call
Get the support you need to work through the program and get answers to all our questions live. This is where true customisation of the program happens, and you get to access personalised advice from me Hhear the questions and different scenarios that other parents encounter and learn from them so that you can implement them now or in the future. If you can’t attend,
the calls are all recorded and added to your dashboard, so you can watch them back later.

BONUS #3: My FULL breakdown of routines from 4 months - 3.5 years old!
You’ll get the full list of routines from 4 months to 3.5 years old, and it's the perfect guide for you to have throughout the first few years of your child’s life. Their routine changes every few weeks from infancy all the way to toddlerhood and you’ll be able to adapt and tweak your routine so it grows with your child. You’ll know which nap to reduce, which wake window to increase, and which adjustment to make overall.
This is NOT a routine that you can get anywhere online, but one I have perfected with my knowledge and expertise, following sleep science formula that supports your child’s nervous system. I’ve taken out ALL the thinking and guesswork away and there’s no need for trial and error. Everything is broken down to the micro level so that the changes are slow and gradual which will help reduce–or even eliminate‚—sleep regressions!
BONUS #4: Pop-up Training topics
In this bonus, you’ll get the chance to learn more about other interesting and relevant topics about to sleep, so that you can continue to enhance and maintain your sleep success! These topics are nominated by parents in the program for areas they are finding challenging or have questions about. Have you ever wondered about nap transitions, travel, daylight savings, early rising, cot to bed transition? We cover all of that, and I’ll continue to add to the course as other topics are suggested.

BONUS #5: My ZZZs Lounge E-Book
This book covers a range of topics, such as dream feeding, pacifiers, night wakings, sleep association, and lots more! This is the result of a lot of research and best practice and will be the perfect companion to the lessons contained in the course. This will save you a LOT of time!
BONUS #6: Coaching Call Vault
You also get access to previous coaching calls that we have with our parents in the program. Learn from the real experiences of other people who have gone through the ZZZs Lounge Program, and those that are in similar situations as you.

TOTAL: $5979

How much time does it take to complete the program?
How long do I have access
to everything?
What if my child’s sleep is not that bad yet?
Can’t I just figure this out on my own?
If I sign up for the payment plan, do I still get the bonuses?
I’m ready to sign up and get started!… What are my first steps or where should I start?
What are the times and dates for the Live Monthly Group Coaching Calls? I don’t want to miss them!
Am I able to reach out for any support if I need help or have any questions?
What is your method?
Does it involve any crying?
Will this program work for my child? How do I know if I am the right fit for your program?

✔ You want to set up your child with a great foundation and long-term sleep success
✔ Your little one () is struggling with sleep deprivation and you want to make a change
✔ You are willing to do the work required to get the results and find out once an for all how to navigate your child’s sleep
✔ You are deeply committed to getting great outcomes for your child, as well as your whole family
✔ You ONLY want to use methods that align with your values and parenting beliefs
✘ You are not willing to adopt new ways of learning and change your beliefs about your child’s sleep
✘ You want a quick fix and are not looking to have long-lasting success
✘ You are unwilling to be coached, seek feedback, and be regularly accountable
✘ You are not willing to take charge and step out of your comfort zone
✘ You don’t want to educate yourself on child sleep science and are just want to know the methods or techniques
I don’t want to follow a routine or a schedule, and I like to go with the flow
I’ve tried other methods in the past and it hasn't worked for me
I don’t want any crying, and I’m afraid there will be when I use this program
I love to co-sleep! Can I still achieve sleep success if I want to continue sharing a bed with my child?
I don’t think group coaching
will work for me as my situation and child are unique
Your prices are too high, we are down to a one-income household, we can’t afford it, and my partner is not supportive of this purchase
I’m afraid to purchase yet another program that is going to be a waste of money
Life is too chaotic at the moment,
I don’t think I will have time to implement it
(timing is not the best)
Yes, absolutely life as a young parent is busy and full! The great thing is that you get to work on this program one step at a time, and still see progress with seemingly insignificant steps, without a pause to your life or routine! Investing just 15 minutes every day will give you back time, imagine getting back a couple of hours during the day, and your evenings! Before you know it, things will look different, and all the more you will be able to enjoy your full life, just with organised chaos!
Don’t forget that you have lifetime access to the program so it’s there whenever you’re ready to get started AND your 12-month access to coaching calls and the Facebook group will still give you plenty of time to get plenty of support, even if you can’t dig in right now. But remember, the fast action price is only available while that clock still has the time on it. You won’t see it again. You don’t have to be ready to start right now, you just have to be ready to save $100.

It all comes down to a choice
You keep doing what
you are doing.
I don’t know your story just yet, but if you are like the many parents out there who are struggling to keep up with the day-to-day demands of parenthood and life due to sheer exhaustion from broken sleep night after night with no end or relief in sight, then is this something that you can keep up with in the long term?
You started this journey of parenthood to enjoy being parents and enjoy spending time with your kids, not to feel like they are a burden or even start resenting them, right? The problem is that this is not going to change, and could get worse unless you make a change. It's a choice to continue living in a state of exhaustion, and lack of control over your whole life.. Only you can make the choice.
Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Commit to bringing back SLEEP
to your household.
Make REST a priority, not a luxury. You can choose to completely change the quality of sleep for your whole family, which means changing the way you approach sleep.
It means learning a new way of navigating child sleep and taking back control as a parent. You and your family deserve it.
If sleeping through the night, having a predictable yet flexible routine, and having a child who goes to sleep peacefully and independently is a NON-NEGOTIABLE for you and your family, then I’d encourage you to join the ZZZs Lounge Program.
When the choice is between exhaustion and frustration or a good night’s sleep,
I know which one I’d choose!
This program is not intended to replace or supplement the medical advice that you receive. You agree that none of the advice that this program provides shall be considered medical advice nor should the advice be relied upon you as medical advice. You should always seek the advice of your medical practitioner. Therefore, you should consult with your personal physician or other healthcare professional if you have any health care-related questions or before embarking on a new sleep program. If a medical problem appears or persists, do not disregard or delay seeking medical advice from your personal physician or other qualified healthcare providers. Accordingly, Sleeping On Purpose expressly disclaims any liability, loss, damage, or injury caused by information provided to the client.
I understand that the services, programs, and classes offered by Sleeping On Purpose are voluntary. I acknowledge that injuries, accidents, or other complications associated with products or services may result from my participation. I will consult my physician if I am concerned about any of the risks to my baby’s health or well-being that may result from my participation of services with Sleeping On Purpose I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to follow instructions for any service provided or purchase I make, and to seek help from Sleeping On Purpose If I have any questions. I knowingly and voluntarily agree to waive and release Sleeping On Purpose, its employees and representatives from any and all claims of liability or demands for compensation that I may acquire during my time in this program with Sleeping On Purpose.
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